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♥ princess

``legally 19.
``SHATEC; DTM0707(B).


`` To See PANDA in China.
`` South Africa Trip.
`` Back To Cambodia.
`` plenty of MONEY.
`` get my diploma.
`` BURBERRY bag.

♥ Rawrr


legolasTEO*nephew ♥
mrTAN ((:
SIying ♥
♥ yan ping
amalina ♥
triciaKER ♥
shirleyLEE ♥
haroldTAN ((:
gabrielCHAN ((:
raihana ♥
nysa ♥
qistina (:
ida (:
cecilia (:
HUANmin (:

Pls do not remove. thanks. brokened.love/celeste
Pictures: Deviantart

Wednesday, May 12, 2010
♥i hate internshiT

yah, i sort of realised my blog is like full of dust luh.

have an awesome 20th birthday celebration with fuji people who i get so much closer to.
reading back my old post make me feel life is then so much better. (:

randomly i book my taiwan tickets for october.
my temper got worst and i been flaring up every one or two days.

my life sucks ttm. ):

but nevertheless, there is still this someone always there for me. thanks baby. (:

night ppl. work sucks., life sucks.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010
♥april not as fantastic as i thought it will be

brought my bold 2 ytd. and i aint happy at all. fml. but overall its much better than my normal bold. so whatever luh, not too bad lor.

its so much faster and its lighter, and smaller plus the trackpad is okay. cos it dont trap dust. ;)

lots of bad things happen lately. friends finding fault with me cos of money. and that's it. i dont need them seriously. they can say they are poor but i cant. cos when i say i got no money i being calculative over here. like seriously, fml. nothing to talk about or say about, cos finally know who will be there when things happen. i think its rather obvious who is being calculative here. ahh, fml. forget it la. some friends are bound to leave and not all will last forever. same for this case, im gonna forget it and get over it. and get her out of my fcuking mind.

well, i lost 1 friend but at least i know who the rest to cherish cos when im down, they are always there to cheer me up. and who else, of cos mostly is my fuji clique, been spending so much time with them. joey, michelle, ling huan, yoro, ivan, shengyang, yuting and ppl. and i know they are really great friends. cos without them, roadshow is so meaningless luh.

and to those who really think i sucks ttm, please la. leave my life. and think about it if you been any nicer to me or not. fml. really. full of hyprocrites nowadays. argh.

forget it luh. tml gonna go celebrate with sec sch clique for my 20th birthday. well, i think i been tired for the whole of my life, cos im just so tired of everything. ):

Monday, March 29, 2010
♥boyf 27th

omg, after i start the sai internshit, i have been getting really busy and lazy to blog. anyway, life is getting alright with so much fun around me. even though i still dislike changing booking and issue some tickets for those ppl going oversea while im staying so lonely in spore. ohwell, but somehow i managed to bear with the bitch and i told myself i will be okay. ;)

have been overly crazy over instax and this mth been a hetic mth. its boyf 27th again! i mena not again but its his birthday! woah. but he is really nice to me nt like to the extend of asking to buy really damn fcuking exp stuff unlike me. ): and i always show him a fcuking black face when im grumpy! but still he love me la. hahha. brought him a choco instax mini and we went to have a havoc celebration with all his friends. super fun! :D but drinking is really mad. i nearly drunk and we went to take NR 3 hm with joey! rofl.

lastly, HAPPY 27th birthday to my dearest, its the 3rd year we spend it tgt, how time flyyyyy! 3rd time and we are still tgt. hugsssss~ i love you to the max.

and next mth it gonna be mine! imm staff promise to get me my diana-f. shall see. love them to the max. somtime other friends are really nt needed and they know who they are. jb on friday! ohhhh, i cant wait. :D


Wednesday, March 17, 2010
♥everything and anything

god damn bloody long didnt blog. cos i been really busy with everything right now. ): haven get my mind on which destination i shall visit next. ahh, whatever. just need a break from all those work. seriously dont understand why can someone be so fcuked up. _l_ i think she is really a office bitch, those tht love to bully those new people and love to act like she is oh-so-great- whatever, talking about work just pissed me off ttm. sigh.

anyway, have an awesome 4days at IT show. companion was great, people was great, except those bloody fcuked up customer. abit only also wanto think so long. as usual, didnt brought anything excepts instax mini 7s and films. lots of films. and result to sore throat, cough and flu. i always fall sick after on leave. hit my 1.2k finally! :D but after cpf dont think gt so much lor. rofl.

but the 4days was great, somehow i prefer fuji than my current job. free and easy. ppl was fun. except still there is one or two who will eventually spoil my mood.

nothing much to blog nowadays. except, congrats ah mike daughter was born! next mth must give angbao liao. ZzZ. (:

woah. the daughter DAMN cute. :D anyway, work was alright. i was to a certain extend tht im numb to it. hopefully this year just FLY past. (:

busy preparing boyf present. busy busy busy ttm. hahahah. love instax mini! chio la.

okay, nothing more. just to keep my blog alive. changing blog skin soon. hahahahaha. berry kisiao as well, time to change. love $$$. and boyf too.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010
♥upcoming :D

went for fuji meeting. damn fun! okay, fun nt as in we gt lots of interaction but just like we meet up with the rest of the promoters who are as well our best friends as well. :D so, we are officially launching 18 new models to the market. wasnt really surprise abt the design but somehow or another i know tht they are taking our feedback seriously. (: and we can go and buy whatever we want, as long as nt the whole group go. im so fricking excited! and what amazing is tht, they are bringing our instax mini along. tell me about it. the films and whooo, i can buy like mad.

juggling between 2 job sucks. especially when everyone is all about to end and im just abt to start. lots of work to be done in the office. :/ nth special happen, just tht we have been fighting etc. but still, there is still feeling mah. love him ttm.

well, i need an ipod touch badly. hope he will get for me for my 20th birthday. PLEASE. ): hahha. cant wait for birthday, cos nowadays there are nothing to look forrward to.

have an awesome reunion dinner at siying place. gamble and lose. but still they are always part of my life. hugs. :D

lastly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY waishan. she's my bff, and she forever will be one.

Saturday, February 20, 2010
♥bkk and our 2nd anniversary.

so long didnt blog. about 10days? X: okay, start with the bkk trip first.
it was fun shopping like no impact and you actually got so many bags of things that you brought but still it soooo cheap that you dont feel heartpain at all. the food is awesome if you dont think of it as dirty and dont look at how they prepare. its still edible. whats the most wonderful food there if you ask me, will be my childhood a&w. i have been craving for it for years, no joke. eversince the one in west side close, i have never ate it before. ): finally, we went to bkk to have it. wanted to buy films but the price is exp than spore. except the clothing is awesome. 6$ per piece or i nv buy anything much more exp than 12$. hahaa. the lashes is cheap. aiya, overall its all cheap la.

okay, so some photo belowwww...

inside the hotel after a long day of shopping. ):
so impact was i overspend but still i think its worth it cos seriously, where can you buy such cheap stuff in singapore. so the negative side was, boyf think bkk was awesome, so no matter how much i buy, it wont overspend like in taiwan or other country. hahahha.

took this polaroid in chinatown. awesome for shopping in chinatown. especially lots of girls accessories lor. i buy like mad, just grab and go. shiok la. so long dont have the feel of shopppping. and we went to have the bird nest. dont really fancy it. hahaha.

omg. the yummylicious a&w waffle with ice cream. ;) with ice cream and chocolate sauce. omg, the only reason i wanna go bkk lorzx. rofl.

then we went to suanlum market and etc la. basically my entire trip is just merely shopping lor. damn tired and massage my legs. damn shiok.

and we did this in bkk too. the awesomeness wax hand. rofl. damn pain la the wax. ): but in the hand, we got our hand mould into this. damn pretty cos i choose the colour. and its with the 'happy 2nd anni' ohhh, seriously we went to bkk as part of our 2nd anniversary celebration.


did nothing much and back to singapore and its totally suck! ):

so on the 10022010, we went to celebrate our 2nd anniversary!
we head off to mirarma hotel's ikoi japanese restaurant to celebrate. the food is so so only. not like what they say til damn amazing like tht. :/ so i didnt really enjoy the food luh. we ate less than an hour then left alrdy.

boyf brought this necklace for me for our 2nd year anniversay.
*dont ask me what i gave him cos i didnt brought anything.*

and tansiying actually sms me. so sweet huh, she actually rmb it. yay! thankyou bestie. :D

totally love fujifilm polaroid camera. awesome!
lastly, life back to normal from today onwards. ):
did nothing for the past few days. except for watching percy jackson. how abt chinese new year? its toally enyoable with all my family. lol.
OKAY!! i type so much and im gettung tired.
okay, gonna go actually plan for my boyf's 27th birthday. yay!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

-posted earlier as tml shall be a busy day-
-actual date on 10th Feb 2010- :)


it marked another year we came so far. mark another year of all those shits we went through together. be it emotionally or financially, i have never been the one giving in or taking those intiatives to solved our problems. well, you did.

365days x 2 of happiness/laughter/sadness/up and down and all those things you can think so. we came til another year. 730days of nonsense from me, attitude from me, yet you take it so willingly. (: there waas so many times i wanted to give all this up, but you pull me back.

2years dont seem long at all. so many of our friends are 3 or even 4 years together. but still i would love to tell you, you make a great difference in my life.

thankyou for always agreeing to go oversea with me, despite the fact you know you gt no much annual leave. thankyou for always buying all those shit stuff i want, despite you know that i dont actually need it at all. thankyou for always bringing me to eat those good food when you know i hate coffee shop and stuff. thankyou for treating my family as though they are yours, this is one that i can never fulfilled.

we went to cambodia/taiwan/thailand together and even though we have to learn to live with each other for tht couple of days but i know you see through all the flaws in me. yet, everytime i wanted to go somewhere, you nv failed to say yes. thankyou.

730days of learning and knowing each other better. i know i wasnt like the one you first knew. :X well, we choose to be together, we learn to love each other and i really wanted to tell you, i have been really happy all this while.

will try my best to curb my temper/ dont anyhow vent on you/ dont anyhow spend money/ dont anyhow scold you. TRY!


lastly, thankyou for showering me with the 730days of love and concern. (: